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Cerebro-spinal fluid is produced by the brain and is pumped from the brain down to the spinal cord, around the spinal cord and back to the brain . A sac(skin-like membrane) (dural membrane) covers the brain and all of spinal cord in which it is immersed in C.S.F. The C.S.F. acts as a flexble protective that delicate mechanism. C.S.F. provides nourishment, Detox's waste material .
The uncovering of the Cranial-Sacral Dr. UplrdgerDr. William Sutherland an Osteopathic student of the 1900’s first researched and understood the possibility that the head bones are moveable and if they are fixated of locked their movement could lead to CSF stagnation and physical , emotional problems. Dr. John Upledger and Ernest Walter retzlaff Ph.D witnessed this rhythmical movement while assisting with surgery and put this together with Dr. Sutherland’s ideas.Dr. Upledger then led a research team of anatomists, than established a scientific basis for the Cranial Sacral System or Cranial Sacral Therapy (SOT).Cranial-Sacral Therapy (SOT) uses the body’s own natural ability to improve nervous system and spinal cord function which in turn helps to reduce pressure, improve overall health and create resistance to illness. |