Take step to help your Migraine Stop feeling sorry In the heart of Northridge / Porter Ranch, your chiropractor at Sof Touch wellness center is comited to helpimprove and protect the health of the community without the use of any toxic drug,or other invasive procedure, by using art, philosophy, and the science of chiropractic in an atmosphere that is friendly, competent, professional, and spiritual.
Neck pain and muscle tension are common symptoms of a migraine attack. In a study of 50 patients with migraine, 64% reported neck painor stiffness associated with their migraine attack, with 31%experiencing neck symptoms during the prodrome; 93%, duringthe headache phase; and 31%, during the recovery phase. In thestudy by Blau and MacGregor, 7 patients reported that painwas referred into the ipsilateral shoulder and 1 patient reportedthat pain extended from the neck into the low back region.
Several clinical trials indicate that spinal manipulation therapy may help in the treatment of migraine headaches. In one study of people with migraines, 22% of those who received chiropractic manipulation reported more than a 90% reduction of attacks and 49% reported a significant reduction of the intensity of each migraine.
In another study, people with migraine headaches were randomly assigned to receive spinal manipulation, a daily medication (Elavil), or a combination of both. Spinal manipulation was as effective as Elavil in reducing migraines and had fewer side effects. There was no added benefit to combining the two therapies.
In addition, researchers reviewed 9 studies that tested spinal manipulative therapy for tension or migraine headaches and found that it was as effective as medications in preventing these headaches.
Migraine is not just a bad headache. In fact, some people get migraine without any headache at all! The cause of migraine is still a mystery. The research to date seems to indicate that migraine is a neurological disease based on an inherited genetic abnormality.
CAUSES OF MIGRAINES Even-though much about the cause of migraines is not understood, life style and environmental factors most likely play a role. Migraines may result due to taking medication;An example is of a person who consumes painkillers and his/her body grows dependant on having the medication . Migraines may be caused by changes in the chemicals, including serotonin — which helps regulate pain in your nervous system. Women are more at a risk of having migraines because of hormonal imbalance or changes in their body chemicals.
Serotonin levels decreases with migraines. This could trigger your system to release substances called neuropeptides, which goes to your brain's outer covering skin (meninges). The result is headache pain. This can be helped by an effective detox.